Swift-Cut amongst the cream of the Staffordshire business crop at the 2018 Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Business Awards


Here at Swift-Cut, we love an awards night, it’s a chance to share your success with your team, celebrate the success of others and genuinely feel good about what it is you’re doing.  The 2018 Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Business Awards was no exception – it was a fantastic night celebrating the achievements of Staffordshire’s thriving business community.

The Swift-Cut Automation team were delighted to hear that we’d been shortlisted for the International Trade award as well as Business of the Year – arguably the most coveted award of the entire night.  Out of hundreds of entries, to make the final cut in two categories is a massive achievement, the credit of which we share with our entire team.  We also applied for Manufacturer of the Year Category and although we weren’t selected as finalists, Swift-Cut was commended by the Steering Committee and will receive a framed certificate for the recognition.

A big thank you to Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce for a wonderful evening and big congratulations to all the other finalists and winners – Swift-Cut were in some pretty inspiring company.

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