EuroBLECH stock market message!

At Swift-Cut we are enthusiastic about the fact that we were present at the EuroBLECH fair in Hannover, Germany. We have shown the visitors two world premieres: the small portable Swifty CNC plasma cutting table and the Swift-Jet CNC water cutting table. At our stand visitors could experience what our Swift-Cut CNC cutting tables are capable of. With live cutting, we demonstrated how easy the programming and operation of our cutting tables is.

All visitors to our booth have received a unique Swift-Cut helicopter. Through a competition, visitors can win some fantastic prizes such as: Swift-Cut jacket, Swift-Cut polo shirt and a Swift-Cut barbecue.

We would like to thank our visitors for visiting our stand. For those who could not be there: no problem, we will send an update with our new products in the short term. You can also call number 0547-745045 for an appointment in our Experience Center in Goor. Here you can see all our cutting tables extensively in use.


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